The kind of friend you keep determines how far you go in life. Keeping company with wise friends make you wise.

Childhood type of friends

When children are young, they have all kinds of friends, almost everyone is their friend but as one grows, things begin to change.

  Adolescent and Young Adults friends

During the teenage years, friends have a huge impact on one’s life either positively or negatively. This is the stage where peer pressure comes in. Here you don’t want people to call you a loser but you want people to see you as being cool and the way most people go about this is by joining bad friends, those you believe are “cool.”

In this group, when they do something negative or evil, they are celebrated for the act and this makes them really proud.

Unfortunately, end their lives at this stage because of the company kept and most of the time, the people who fall victim to these are actually those who were initially good but because of peer pressure and ” wanting to feel among” decided to join bad friends.

They’ll say things like, ‘Try this, it won’t hurt, just try it once or a bit’ but before you know it, you are neck deep into it, you won’t be able to control yourself anymore and this could lead to destruction.

There are also good friends that you are glad to have met at this stage of your who imparted positively to your life.

Adult Stage

The next group of friends can be seen in the adult stage. Here one is grown and knows his or her left from right. Good friends can be seen at this stage but there are also bad ones. In this post, I will be dwelling more on the negative ones.

These people are Jealous of you, they pretend to like you and try to be your best friends but they really don’t have your best interest at heart. Sometimes they make you do things you really don’t want to.

Once they get what they want from you, some of them move on. In summary, these people have nothing positive to offer you.

These kinds are not easily detectable. They could be so nice that you least expect them to have such negative thoughts toward you.

To find a true friend is gold make sure to keep them.

Way Forward

Someone may ask, then how do we know them? You need someone who sees all things that no man can. You need someone that is everywhere at the same time. I’m talking about the Spirit of God here.

Once you’ve located your goal in life, begin to cut these friends off, those that won’t let you move forward i.e. those that are not going in the same direction as you. You can then make friends on the same path as you.

Most importantly, make the Spirit of God your number 1 best friend because He will direct your path appropriately and will open your eyes to those friends you should not have in your life.

These steps could be painful because of all the lovely memories and good times you’ve had together but it is necessary if you want to reach your goal in life.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and I would love to hear from you.

Special Announcement

There has been so much happening in the world. Some have experienced good times while others, not so much. I believe there are better times and great opportunities for you ahead but it is very important to prepare for these opportunities before they come so you don’t miss out on something great.

Understanding how to take care of your spiritual, mental and physical health is the foundation for this. To this end, I will the offering free pdf copies of my book “Your Mental Health”.

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Stay Blessed.

Chidinma Oluchi.


An inspirational writer who loves God, Man and nature.


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