Welcome to OLUCHIcrafts blog, a Home of Uniqueness

This blog is about being positive and making an impact in our daily lives.

The idea of this blog started with my business. I wanted to have a blog about being creative, making new things and having fun at it, then I realized, I could incorporate other things.

The Environment we live in, people are unhappy, suffering, have no job and some are barely living,  A little word, a friendly smile can go a long way to touching the lives of people.

I would be blogging majorly on Daily living, Health, Creativity and Christianity with a mind of helping others and turning it all to a home of happiness.

With time, as the blog gets bigger, I will be rendering humanitarian services, teaching people how to be creative thereby helping themselves and others.

The name OLUCHIcrafts was coined out of Oluchi which is my name meaning “the work of God” and craft for “creativity.”

Comments will be moderated by me, any offensive, irrelevant or disrespectful comment will be removed or not published.

This blog is for happy people, spread the joy.

With a heart full of joy, I welcome you all to have an exciting time, read, comment, subscribe, share posts you love and come back for more.